rich heritage

When we start comparing village and city,we start with money or income difference followed by other differences like roads,living styles,electricity and many other things,but one thing I found is really important to me and for that I miss my village,that is quality and quantity of festivals,in the cities working people enjoys the festival as rest days,student enjoys it by going for outing and women enjoy it by taking late morning sleep and lunch or dinner at restaurants,obivously its not the story of all,but still its very common leaving a few exception.whereas in the villages the festivals are celebrated with lots of joy and following the proper the cities people don't about many festivals like holi,diwali,raksha bandhan,dussehra and one or two more, but the village people have many festival to celebrate,in my village we celebrate around 15 festivals in month of august.i think this is called rich heritage,but excuse me...!! everyone is turning into city fellow then what would happen of this so called heritage.all the people who have shifted from village to cities forgot their regional languages and if they know it even they feel shy in speaking and they don't teach it to their children so we are loosing our rich heritage of now the question arises "are we loosing our rich heritage due to urbanisation??"and if it is the reason then how can we develop ??

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