rich heritage

When we start comparing village and city,we start with money or income difference followed by other differences like roads,living styles,electricity and many other things,but one thing I found is really important to me and for that I miss my village,that is quality and quantity of festivals,in the cities working people enjoys the festival as rest days,student enjoys it by going for outing and women enjoy it by taking late morning sleep and lunch or dinner at restaurants,obivously its not the story of all,but still its very common leaving a few exception.whereas in the villages the festivals are celebrated with lots of joy and following the proper the cities people don't about many festivals like holi,diwali,raksha bandhan,dussehra and one or two more, but the village people have many festival to celebrate,in my village we celebrate around 15 festivals in month of august.i think this is called rich heritage,but excuse me...!! everyone is turning into city fellow then what would happen of this so called heritage.all the people who have shifted from village to cities forgot their regional languages and if they know it even they feel shy in speaking and they don't teach it to their children so we are loosing our rich heritage of now the question arises "are we loosing our rich heritage due to urbanisation??"and if it is the reason then how can we develop ??

i want to be...

I don't want to be just a personality, i want to be a celebrity

I don't want to be just walk ,neither run , i want to fly

I don't want to just participate , neither just win , i want to break the records..

I don't want to be just, i want to be big ,even bigger,better say wonder...


इज़हार - ऐ - इश्क करते है

वो अब हमारी कब्र पे आकर

पहले तो नज़रें मिलतें ही मुह फेर लेते थे

बदल लेते थे राहें

हमे राहो में देख कर

अब तो हर राह पर हमारा इंतज़ार करतें हैं ।

नज़रें झुक जाती थी

दीदार होने पे हमसे

अब पलके बिछा के हमारी तस्वीर देखा करतें हैं ।

--जिद्दी राज़न

under peepal tree....

It was a sunny hot afternoon,I was walking back to my village from the bus stand as i haven't got any taxi or rickshaw.My village was around 7 km from bus stand and i decided to walk as it was the only option...!!My feet were saying me just stop otherwise i will make you fall down..!! SUN was my enemy today, he was following me and making me more tired..!!My shirt's colour has changed from light red to dark red due to sweat...!!

I was abusing myself that why did i choose this place for summer vacation, although after reaching my village i was going to enjoy the most..but these 7 km were really bad for me..

I had covered around 3 kms,then i decided that I am going to sit under some tree for some time and rest for sometime..
I could see a huge peepal tree near a mango garden at a distance and a boy sitting there..

Initially i thought it is mirage but when i reached there i found a boy sitting under that tree,he was a 17 year old boy of our neighbourhood BABBUA son of our postman, he touched my feet and said how are u?

I said I m ok !! but what are you doing here..he said i am just waiting for someone....!!

then he said me let me drop you to village....i said "ok..!! but i will ride the cycle"

after rest of half hour, I started cycling, the boy was sitting on the front rod of the cycle..

i talked him on various issues,and to create more interest

I asked him" so do u have a girl-friend??"

he said no!!

I tried to get the secret out and finally he burst out and said yes I had one..but village people seen us together in that mango garden and then her brother beat me brutally...

I was waiting there for her only,because she would be coming back from her school..

then he started telling me the whole story and his love story was really painful..

he use to love that girl since childhood, but the narrow minded village people beat him brutally and had thrown him in the fields,,,,and warned him to stay away from the village,so he live in the other village nearby..

i was really very shocked to hear it...

i said "oh thats really wrong..!!" love is not a bad thing....

i talked him on this issue and suggested him to forget that girl and study...

he said "now study is of my no use..!!"

finally we reached at the last turn of my village and boy told me to stop,as he cannot go inside the village..i said ok..!!

don't worry if you need any help just meet me !!"

he said" no one can help me now!!! , I will get her in my own way"

and went back ......

I reached my village , my grandparents were very happy to see me...!! I chatted everyone and enjoyed the the food.

In the evening my cousin brother took me for evening walk,I reached at that turn where that boy left me..!! my cousion told me"do u remember that BABBUA yaadav,son of postman??"

Three days ago ,village people beated him so hard that he died....and then they buried him in that mango garden, near a peepal tree...

I was shocked after hearing it mouth was open wide,I had tear and fear in my eyes...

all the blood in my body was trying to get out of my body

now i could see that boy all around me...

i can see him crying...!!

i can hear his voice saying"they beat me brutally..!!"

it was unbelievable for me...

Next evening i heard that girl for whom BABBUA was beaten also died near peepal tree due to heart attack....!!

After 10 years I m again on the same road, but this time i am on a taxi.

when i reached that peepal tree i could see a boy and girl playing together, but this time all this was mirage ,but i can still feel both of them playing......

they still live under that peepal tree and now no one can stop them loving......

first ultra sound

my first ultra sound
i was sitting on the table and waiting for my breakfast, my mom came to me and said" don't u remember you have to go for ultra-sound today???"

i replied " i do remember !!,but how does ultra-sound relates to my breakfast??""

I never had ultra-sound test in my life,,so i didn't knew that for ultra-sound you should be without anything in your stomach....!!

she told me to go to hospital and gave me five hundred rupees...!!

i went to hospital and asked at the counter where to go for ultra sound

he asked me which ultra-sound??
i was confused !!! i didn't knew the types...but i was carrying the doctors prescription so i showed it to him,then he told me its UGC ABDOMEN...

i said "ok!!,how much is the fee??"

he told me its five hundred fifty rupee..!!

oh my god !! i have pay fifty rupee from my pocket...,i asked for some discount,student discount or something....!!but he replied NO DISCOUNT

finally i gave him money ,,all the money i had saved from my pocket money last week ...!!

then he told me to go to basement at ultra-sound lab..!

i went there,and radiologist told me to drink a lot of water...and sit outside for 15 minutes..

i took 4 glasses water of that hospital,it was warm and tasted bitter..

and for the time i was waiting outside ,, I was thinking what will happen??how the ultra sound happens...,?? i was a science stream student so i know what ultra sound mean but i really never known or thought of how it is medically applied...!! so i was just dreaming "it must be like this"radiologist will be wearing some headphones and he would be having some sound emitting device which will produce ultra sound ....

but this all was crap..
My all the logics were not clear,,My every logic was having two question with them and my logic had created a web and the interesting thing was that ultrasound word was out of my logic web....

suddenly peon called my name" ravi..!! ravi!!"

i stood up and went inside the lab. and what all i saw was very very different from my logic web

there was a computer having black and white monitor and a different kind of keyboard,some gun type of instruments were attached to it...

doctor told me to lay down on the bed,then he told me to put off my shirt from my stomach

i was very nervous,doctor put a cold gel on my stomach..and then he took one one of the gun and started spreading the gel on my stomach,,i was giggling all the time and radiologist was saying me stop laughing...!! i was feeling giggle with the movement of that gun that was spreading gel on my stomach....suddenly he told me to stand up,,and said its done...!!!

i was shocked ,,i was expecting other guns as well ,,but he told me its done..

i enjoyed all the time and i thought it was good experience,,,but it turned into bad one when i got report and doctor told me that you got tiny calculus in your right kidney,,

is it human fall????(haiku)z

IS IT HUMAN fall?????
IS IT HUMAN fall??


IS IT HUMAN fall???

IT IS HUMAN fall..!!!


It was my first day in Allahabad and I was here as I got admission in B.A. in Allahabad university.and when my sun arise up it was 11:30 am.I asked my room partner "where we will get tea??" he was still sleeping ,but he told me the way....and that was not not understandable...
but I put my shirt on my body and started following the way he told me..finally I got a small tea stall...I ordered for a cup of tea and a glucose biscuit packet and that man shouted "CHOTU ,SAAHAB KO EK CHAI AUR EK PARLE DE.....,JALDI.."(chotu,give a tea and parle biscuit to sir..)
after a minute or two a black small boy of about 5 years came with my order,,that boy was so cute,he had white watery eyes,and the best part of that boy was his energetic smile.....,I had seen many chotu's at the place but he was the youngest one and the cutest one I have ever seen...that tea stall has only two staff was the owner and other was his worker CHOTU..
I was at that stall for 15 minutes and I was continuously watching at CHOTU,he was cleaning all the utensils,glasses,cups,etc...and he was enjoying it all..he was singing bhojpuri songs and I was listening his childish voice...and I was also enjoying,, I finished up my tea and went to my room.
at that day I finished up my shopping me and my room partner collected all the vessels for cooking,my partner was excellent cook,he use to cook for both of us....but in the diwali holidays my friend went to his hometown for 10 days,but I didn't as I had some work in the city..
next morning I again went to same tea stall... I enjoyed that place as I did first time..I was highly impressed by that chotu's style,his songs and his cute smile which he use to pass after every song completion...for those 10 days I regularly took my tea there....
next day my friend came and he prepared tea for us,I was talking him and sipping the tea but I was missing chotu's song,,so I finished up my tea and went to that tea stall and sipped one more tea..and after that day I have never sipped tea at my room...!!my room partner use to criticise me for that thing..he used to say ,what do u like in that tea??"
and I used to say "come with me just once u will get to know "
as the time passed chotu started recognizing me and he use to bring stool and newspaper for me whenever i reach their,,I use to request him for specific songs..and he always enjoyed singing songs for me...!!!
one day I asked him about his family ,he said I have no family when i was four, I came here to wash utensils and now m doing all the work here..I have learnt how to make tea,,some day I will make special tea for you ,when owner will not be here"
I smiled and said OK !!! done
I said you sing so well ,your name should be "chotu ustaad" !!
and he was very happy to hear it...he said can you write this name on
my hand,,,,i wrote chotu ustaad on his arms..!!and he was showing it to all customer there..
and from that day he always use to retrace it on his hand after the bath,
and whenever anyone call him chotu ustaad he use to work faster for that person....he was really crazy for that name..

now it was December,and Allahabad's winter should be world famous now,,it was really very cold..and my exams were also going to start next week,in exam days I shifted to one of my friends house near to my examination centre.....for those fifteen days I missed my morning tea...and I didn't liked any other tea,probably I liked that tea from my within or my soul...

so I never sipped any other tea...and it was my exam time,so I didn't cared all these much...tea and all...

after my exam,Iwent to my room and got dreamless sleep,,in the morning

it was 11 o clock and I went to same tea stall again to have my special tea...

but I didn't find chotu there,,,I asked the owner where is chotu???any music director have signed him????

the owner changed his face expression and said ,,sir !! he was sleeping in this tea stall on last Sunday,and when I came in the morning I found him dead...perhaps he died due to winter....its really cold these days.....

I was shocked....I had tears in my eyes.. I shouted very much on the owner but my voice became wet and I was weeping...all other customers were surprised to see me ,that why this person is crying

but I couldn't control myself.....and i returned back to home

and from that day I never sipped tea in my was my tribute to
chotu ustaad...

girl at the window

It was the wonderful morning,
manish(MANNU) was standing at the window of the 4th floor of his house,mug of tea was in his hand,and he was continously looking at the gate of his beautiful house many men and women were coming in....,all the people there looked as if they are in hurry,his brother navin started bike and went out of the place,after that MANISH's cousin were putting a banner at the gate,it was printed" MANISH WEDS SHALINI"....and looking at that board MANISH started crying,his tears were falling in the mug of tea,,,and he was still taking the sip.. then mannu left that window and started his audio player in full sounds and the song started"MERE SAAMEN WAAALI KHIDKI MEIN..EK CHAAN KA TOOKRA REHTA HAI(hindi song that mean "a beautiful lady lives opposite to my window"),as this song was at its last line.,a charming girl came out the window opposite to his house...and waived her hand to say mannu "hi " and thrown a flying kiss to the boy...then all the tears disappeared and mannu looked happy after getting some strange waiving of the girls hand...and then suddenly the girl ran away from the window... but mannu was still happy and smiling, the evening the boy got married,and returned back to home with his wife,SHALINI was a extra ordinary beautiful girl ,and the marriage dress added complents to her beauty...mannu gifted her a diamond necklace that nightand said u r my first and last love sweet-heart and now i think i m complete....thanks for this beautiful moments and lets start the wonderful journey of our lives.. alarm rang up !!!!mannu jumped out of the bed ,and he started searching for something,,,,he was looking for it everywhere in the room,,but he couldn't find it...shaalini also wake up and said what r u searching for he said that my music player remote,,,where is it....???shaalini asked why do u need it now??mannu replied u keep shut and help me to find that...finally mannu got the remote near mug of tea..and he played that same song"MERE SAAMNE WAALI KHIDKI MEIN..."and went to window..shaalini brought the tea for mannu and herself and she also stood up there at the window,,she was looking curiously at that was at its end and finally last line also finished up !!!and as the last line finished up mannu started crying and shaalini hold him in his hand...mannu was crying and saying" i want to see that girl at that window""shaalini said"at that window !!!,,girl""mannu said "i m regularly playing this song since i was in 5th standard,and that girl come daily and waives and throw a flying kiss to me !!!"but today where she has gone???that space or lace in my life can't be filled by anyone else ..not even u..!!i m missing her !!! and started crying like a child shaalini started laughing and mannu was still crying,,then shaalini hold the mannu and said that girl is now standing at ur own window...yaa darling i m here ,,,and kissed the boy !!!mannu i m really missing u there,,,missing u so much sweet heart....shaalini was still amazed to see all that and mannu was still crying like 5 year childafter sometime that same song got played from the other window mannu stood up and saw shaalini there and now both of them were smiling and then crying in between...shaalini again waived her hand and send a flying kiss.....and now again mannu became happy..!!!
intelligence pays ....!!
It was the full moon night,and ravi went to his bed to sleep,his parents were called by principal for urgent meet tommorow and the he was thinking why his parents are called???he was calculating all the naughty things,test,etc.. he has done in last week....but he didn't find any reason. He was the topper of his class since class 1 and whatever the naughty things he had done in past one or two
weeks was not so naughty that his parents should be called so urgently..!!he was still thinking ,what can be the reason.???,but he didn't got any........ Suddenly he got the reason...he thought he had participated in ALL INDIAN ESSAY COMPETITION which has
winning amount of 20 thousand, and yesterday was result day ,,,,so his parents must have been called to get
the prize money as he is just 15 years,,he was feeling proud that he never lost any competition in his life...and slowly slowly he became confirm about his reason as there was no other reason he found...with the smile
on his face taking god's name he switched off the lightsand went to sleep...!!!!
trin !!! trin !!! trin !!!mobile of ravi's father broked the silence at the breakfast table,,he picked up the phone,,there was a lady on
CALLED TO THE SCHOOLhis father replied"thank you for reminder,,and we will be there at 10am"
father asked ravi "what happend ravi? what have u done in the school??? tell me!!!!
ravi wanted to give surprize to his parents so he said""I M SORRY DAD ,I HAVE BEATEN A BOY AND ALSO
ravi said " i m sorry dad,but i will not repeat it again" his mom also scolded him badly......
but ravi was never so happy after hearing so much from his parents

They reached the school ,principal called them ,all of them went to the office of principal,principal was smiling
,she offered choclate to ravi and said ravi" i will call u later ,first i want to talk ur parents "ravi walked out of the chamber....all the smile from the principal's faced disappeared like breaking of glass ,she called all the teacher
immediately.Now the room was full of teachers ,and his parents were in mid of all...his father was expecting a tight scold
from all of them...
principal told to peon " don't let anybody come even near to my office,and don't disturb in any case..""
outside Ravi was feeling as king of the world....!!
after 1 hour all the teachers came out and went to their classes,his parents also came out with blank faces and
having sweat on their faces...his mother was crying as well..but when they came out they didn't find ravi...his father asked the peon where is that boy??peon said he went to his class roomhis mother started crying and shouting...his father ran to the class,principal also came out and ran behind ravi's father..and when they reached the class there was no one except RAVI standing on teachers chair and writing
something on the black board...and after sometime he seems to be giving lectures to the student ....,his parents ,principal and peon were watching all that...but ravi was ignoring all of them ,,all of sudden he jumped from the chair and went to second desk of third row
and started shouting"u even don't know this....and started doing actions as he is beating someone..his style of
beating looked so cruel.......but there was no student in the class., looked like monoacting
his mother was crying loud........his father was shivering and he was also holding drop of water in his eyes..
then the principal said""This was the activity i was telling you about"first day we ignored him,but yesterday he beated one of our teacher like this..." all the peons were unable to control him ....but somehow we took him out of the class,and as he was out of this
room he became normal,so we shifted this class to another room""Now u tell mr.sharma ,what should we do now???i think he is mentally affected,consult some pscychologist""
his mother went inside the class,ravi was still in beating postures..and when he saw his mother,he shouted who told u to come in???u idiot!!! have u asked for my permission???her mother was still crying...ravi came to his mother and started beating her,,,his father and peons ran in and controlled the boy and took him out...ravi was shouting so loud ,that many ears fused off.....they took him to water cooler and put lots of water on he was inactive,,his parents took him to their
they were having their evening tea..suddenly door-bell rang up !!!an old man was on the door..he introduced him as the peon of ravi's schoolhis mom"welcomed him"and they offered tea to the old man.....old man said no tea from ur house and don't even offer to anyone...his parents shocked !!!his father asked"why did u said that???"old man said bcoz u have a ghost in ur house....
his father said what the bloody hell u r talking about
old man said "its not hell but going to turn your life into hell now"" do u know why ur son is behaving like that...!!
his parents said "NO with their curious face !!!
old man said let me explain why...."i think u must have understood the concept but still let me narrate the whole story in short--last year there
was a super intelligent teacher who was assigned as 10 th class mathematics teacher"and he has only one aim
that all the students in his class should secure 100 marks in mathematics,,and for this he was strict and a little
bit cruel ,he was arrogant too,so just before the end of the year principal fired him due to his brutality,,but he
was not ready to go,,as there was only one month in final exams...and he wanted to complete his aim...but he was forcefully thrown out of the school...and he died crying and protesting on the gate of the school""
and do u know after four months when the result came out all the students secured 100 marks except one boy
who got 98 marks and that boy was the most intelligent boy of the class.....and that teacher's last wish
remained uncherished......
and now he again wants to fulfill his dream...
his parents asked old man "then he should get on some teacher ,why my son???""old man said"" if he get on teacher ,that teacher will also be fired out of the school"but the student aree paying to be in the school so they will try to fix up the problem...
and then oldman said ""ok now i have to go...."
and he went away...
now there was dark silence in ravi's housethey were thinking what to do??after a long duscussion his parents send him to school regulary and he teached the empty class regularyand do all brutal activities...
and at the end of year whole class got 100 marks except ravi,,as he was died just one month before the
then the old peon came to ravi's father and said one more father lost his intelligent son...!!!!

aankho mein kajal
aur hotho pe laali
student ho tum
ya koi nakhre waali

haatho mein kangna
aur muh mein jugaali
student ho tum
ya koi qawalli

ek haath mein pizza
dusre mein delux thaali
student ho tum
ya bas khane-waali

futkar hai purse mein
haatho mein note jaali
student ho tum
ya koi juvewaali

gussa har baat mein
har bol mein hai gaali
student ho tum
ya koi mauwaali

dil khol k ab bhi hasta hoo




















perfect shot

the perfect shot !!!!!!
we had two days to practice for carromboard match,and we neither had carromboard neither time.
Prachi nagar, a really sporty girl and hard too...she was trying to arrange carromboard and i was just following her as all the responsibilities were on her,although we were in the same class i,e.11th
Finally she got the carromboard,she told me to hold the carrom and take it to sports room of our school,again i was following her.We got the carrom and we started practicing Prachi was a very good player ,her finger were really like swords just touching a coin and the coin went to hole,,i became nervous....
now it was my turn,i m also a good player but i was afraid of her personality and style,now i striked the striker so hard that stricker was out of the carromboard...
she laughed on me,the way she laughed i was impressed,,,i was not embrassed by her laugh and now i was not even nervous,so we started practicing,our game came to end with queen and its cover
and i said
" QUEEN IS MINE" and then i takeoff my school blazer as it was a discomfort for me and stricked the stricker and queen was in and after that one more shot took its cover and i won that game..
till end she was winning the game,but last shot made me winner..
And on that day we played 20 times and she won 19 times but she never got the queen anytime and i use to say her"QUEEN IS MINE"..
on the next day we played i won many games and she got irritated with my dialogue"QUEEN IS MINE" we end up our practice that day
Match day came,and I was ready full of confidence,and Prachi told me that she had played carrom whole night and ready to take the queen
now i felt that "whether the match is between me and prachi or our school team and other teams"" this was a bad sign..but still we had play but i realised that she will not let our team down..
there were 10 teams,all the matches were knock out round,,!!
we started with first team prachi was playing against the other team and also playing against me!!
i was shocked ,she was destroying my chances of best shots..but still she was playing awesome and all the opponents were afraid of us,we won all the knock out rounds and reached the finals...
but this game was different from knock out games,our opponents were playing strong and prachi was still destroying my chances of getting score and this she was also not total score was just 60 in the whole game and really she got all the queens,
but conditions were getting worsed...slowly slowly game was going to them and in this game i got some points but opponents were 70 more than us and the points left on board were a queen and a cover
opponent on my right side got the chance,they smiled clapped their hand and boy stricked the stricker and the stricker just touched queen and we got the game back,,,now it was prachi's turn,it was very easy shot for prachi and prachi left her shot blank intentionally,,this was the biggest shock of last two days,,i was abusing her within my mouth now all the hopes ends up and now the turn was of other opponent and it was most easiest shot for the guy he striked the stricker but his stricker also went inside the hole with two coins then prachi shaked me hand and told me
""queen is yours" i sighed..and stood up took out my blazer
and now took the stricker and stricked so perfectly that queen was in and then i said"QUEEN IS MINE" opponents said cover is still out sir.
prachi told them don't u know "queen is for him only"
i was overwhelmed now and looked at the board once and then into eyes of prachi stricked and said"QUEEN IS MINE" and cover was also in,we won the game


## BUZZ ##

This was the message that I sent to a person on ASIA chat room on yahoo but I didn't get any reply from the person. So,I pressed the BUZZ once again and somehow I got the reply this time

" Hi !!! "
asl ??

ASL is very common question in yahoo chat rooms which means age, sex ,location, and I go with same reply every time so I typed

"20 male "

I usually avoid telling my country's name for this question, In some time I got another response

"I am 20 F Pakistan"

It was my first ever chat with any Pakistani person.I was very excited because I had many questions about Pakistan and
I wanted to know the actual thoughts of Pakistani people.
She typed

"which place??"

I typed

By mistaked I had typed noida as niida but I didn't bothered to correct it and she also didn't asked me further.So we started chatting, she asked me many general things
but the chat became interesting when she asked me

"r u engaged ???"

I replied
" no !! "
i was pretending to be a very funny guy, So I typed

"Whenever I proposes any girl,they reply me that they will think and they never think on my proposal, I believe I am ugly enough to get engaged "

she replied

"beauty comes last ! Personality and other things can impress the girl,I will tell u how to impress girls :)  "

We chatted for 45 minutes,and in this time she was chatting to me like as if I was her best friend,she told me many secrets of her life,about her boy-friends
the way she told me her story i was slowly getting attracted to her, she was highly impressive.

And I also tried to make her laugh for the time we chatted,she told me that

" I am the best ever online guy she has got on chatrooms !!!
Then she asked me

"do u like rains ?? "

I replied
yes, I like to play and ride bike in rain

she told me that

"I love rain because whatever I wish from Allah in rain, he gives me !!
and its raining here and I am wishing for u "that u get a girlfriend soon"she asked me

"Can I add to you to my friend-list ??

Instead of responding back , I send her friend request so that we can chat again,she accepted my request and we were then friends on yahoo chat.

We chatted for some more time in the night and she asked

"So hows weather in your niida?? "

This time I told here
"Its not niida,its Noida , it is a city near Delhi in INDIA !!!!

After sending this message,I didn't get any reply.
Many things came in my mind and eventually I came to a conclusion that since I am Indian ,she do not want to talk to me anymore as she just stopped replying after knowing the fact that I am Indian, I got irritated and thought what the idiotic thing is that ??

We chatted for such a long time and we created a bond of friendship,she was saying me that I was the best boy she ever met in chat-rooms.

But what is this now?? she stopped replying just because I am INDIAN.

Then I never chatted that girl,one day she came online.
and typed

"Hi !! "

I didn't replied her and I signed out of the chat with all my anger , furthermore I deleted her from my friend list as well.

After one day when I got offline messages of that girl she said

"are you angry with me??
I didn't replied that day because power connection was gone that day and my PC got turn off

I am sorry!!! "

As I was reading that message, some key got pressed and her message was deleted. Now I was angry on myself. What a fool I am ! What bad things I thought about her, I was in sorrow and guilt.

I had already deleted her contact and the chats,so I could not got her contact her again .

But I am still searching her to say SORRY ,
and waiting for rains so that I can also wish Allah that give me a chance to chat her again , give a chance to say sorry , give me chance to be friend again.



WHY RAGGING????????????????




HAVE U READ "five point some one " by chetan bhagat


GOVT. SAYS "ragging is banned by supreme court"

A BIG NO ##########

it is done in every college ...............
STOP IT //////////////////
ALWAYS BE AGAINST IT...............

"""plz feel ur feeling during the ragging

its the only way to stop it..................

it can be injustice to you but you have to do it.....


hi i am ziddi razan
to express the thing in my ways.................

and to tell you my own stories and poems

and also dowwnload link of many readable novels....

and the best part of this blog is that whatever i will earn from this site will be donated to some NGO....

so keep visiting this site beacuse your visit is going to help someone....